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Industry 4.0

""Industry 4.0 is the advancement and integration of increased automation, improved communication, and production of smart machines that can analyze and diagnose issues without the need for human intervention. The combination of cyber-physical systems and the Internet of Things makes Industry 4.0 possible. 

When computers were introduced into Industry 3.0, it was disruptive. Now, and into the future as Industry 4.0 unfolds, business and industry will minimize waste and become more efficient and productive. Ultimately, it's the network of smart machines that are digitally connected with one another, and create and share information, that results in the true power of Industry 4.0. 

Industry 4.0 means we are in the middle of the 4th industrial revolution. The 4th industrial revolution is different than the prior ones. The big difference is the continued expansion of the network and computers into operations, also the interconnectivity that occurs as a result. These standards will be in all occupations in the workforce. Students should be prepared for these occupations and career paths. BSC, ND's Polytechnic Institution, helps our students meet these standards embedded into their curriculum and educational experience whether in the classroom or experiential learning environment. 

Standards of Industry 4.0

  • Internet of Things (IoT) - The idea of connecting any device with an on and off switch to the Internet (i.e. cell phones, coffee makers, engines, drills).Standards of Industry 4.0

  • Robots - Designed to perform behaviors or tasks with a high degree of autonomy.

  • System Integration - The process of integrating all physical and virtual components of an organization’s system. 

  • Data Science Business Intelligence - The use of software to analyze and organize large volumes of data in search for trends and functional information. 

  • Additive Manufacturing - A process that uses a variety of machines that use technologies to build 3D objects by adding layer-upon-layer of material. 

  • Cloud - Accessing and storing data and programs over the Internet instead of your computer’s hard drive.

  • MES/MOM Advanced Process Control - Technology that maximizes operational performance. 

  • Augmented Reality - Technology that layers computer-generated enhancements atop an existing reality to make it more meaningful by allowing the user to virtually interact with it.

  • Cybersecurity - The protection of computer systems, networks, and programs from digital threats. 

  • Digital Twin/Simulation Optimization - The capability to perform virtual prototyping and automation to reduce production time.

Internet of Things

The advent of the internet and the growth of the internet impacts us daily. Phones, cars, homes, appliances, gaming devices, and social platforms are all connected to the internet creating an interconnectivity we did not have access to prior to the growth of the internet. And this interconnectivity impacts everything around us. 
Internet of Things Industry 4.0