Schauer named 2023 New Century Transfer Scholar
Published: Mar 27 2023
看片软件 (BSC) student (Carpio, N.D.) has been named a 2023 New Century Transfer Scholar and awarded a $2,250 scholarship. Schauer will also be recognized at Phi Theta Kappa’s Presidents Breakfast during the American Association of Community Colleges (AACC) Convention on April 3, 2023, in Denver, Colo.
New Century Transfer Scholars are selected based on their academic accomplishments, leadership, activities, and how they extend their intellectual talents beyond the classroom. Over 2,400 students were nominated from more than 1,300 college campuses across the country. Only one New Century Transfer Scholar is selected from each state.
Schauer began her college education by taking BSC Dual Credit and Early Entry classes while still in high school.
“I chose BSC because of the experience I had with them during my time in high school. I felt it was the perfect stepping stone to a four-year institution,” she says.
Schauer graduated from Berthold High School in 2022 and was recently a 2023 National Western 4-H Roundup Hippology Championship Team member and was named the 2023 National Western 4-H Roundup Horse Judging Champion. In May 2023 she will graduate from BSC with an Associate in Science and an Associate in Arts degree, as well as a coaching certificate, and this fall she will attend the University of North Dakota in Grand Forks, N.D., to pursue a bachelor’s degree elementary education followed by a doctoral degree in physical therapy.
“BSC has a long history of attracting talented students in pursuit of their academic goals and providing them with unique opportunities to enhance their college experience such as taking on service, leadership and scholarship roles within organizations like Phi Theta Kappa,” said BSC Vice President for Academic Affairs Dr. Dan Leingang. “The potential impact of our BSC graduates is great and this type of recognition, especially by an international organization such as The Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation, emphasizes the high level of academic aptitude of BSC students.”
The program is sponsored by The Coca-Cola Foundation, the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation, Phi Theta Kappa and the AACC.
“We congratulate Anne for receiving this prestigious scholarship, and we are honored to partner with the Coca-Cola Scholars Foundation, The Coca-Cola Foundation and AACC to recognize her outstanding achievements,” said Phi Theta Kappa’s President and CEO Dr. Lynn Tincher-Ladner. “Scholarship programs like this are integral for creating opportunities for two-year college students to succeed and for putting college completion within reach.”