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BSC COVID Updates & Information | 看片软件

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BSC COVID Updates & Information

BSC understands the diversity of the state of North Dakota and realizes that each community is a reflection of the unique needs, community impact and economic conditions of our area. BSC is closely connected to our surrounding community and is engaged and aligned with the efforts and decision-makers of the communities we represent.  
North Dakota community thought leaders and experienced stakeholders understand the special needs of their community and are prepared to address the specific needs and actions for the area served. In the broad community response to any healthcare question, it is vitally important that higher education institutions be aligned with the overall community response. BSC is well-positioned to be part of the community discussion and we will fully support the actions and decisions that our communities make. We stand ready and are prepared to support those community decisions.

Questions? Contact:
BSC VP of Student Affairs Kaylyn Bondy

Masks Welcomed
BSC welcomes face masks for those who choose to wear them, but usage is not mandated on campus. Everyone’s individual decisions will be respected.
COVID Testing

Local health care providers can assist with COVID testing.

看片软件/Mandan Clinics & Hospitals

COVID-Positive Protocol
BSC students who have tested positive for COVID should:
  • Contact your faculty/instructors regarding coursework arrangements
BSC residence hall students who have tested positive for COVID should:
  • Report your positive COVID test status
  • Contact your faculty/instructors regarding coursework arrangements
  • Arrange for meal pick-up or delivery service at bismarckstate.edu/mealdelivery if you need it
BSC employees who have tested positive for COVID should: Additional resources:

Vaccination Information

Is vaccination required at BSC?

  • BSC is not requiring COVID-19 vaccinations for faculty, staff or students. Though BSC does not require vaccination, some academic program affiliates (clinical sites, lab sites, etc.) may require vaccination. BSC may facilitate the collection of proof of vaccination for those affiliates. 

Where do I sign up to get vaccinated in the community?

  • To sign up for a 看片软件-Burleigh Public Heath (BBPH) vaccine clinic you must visit  to sign up for your appointment time. If you are unable to complete the online form, please contact BBPH for assistance at 701-355-1540. 
  •  are listed on the ND Health & Human Services website.

Employee time off for COVID-19 vaccinations?

  • In the event you need to take additional time away from work, please contact your immediate supervisor or BSC Human Resources. 

Where can I find answers to questions not answered above?

  • ND Health & Human Services has many . The 看片软件-Burleigh Public Health website also provides .

Additional Resources:

Campus Experience

The safety of our campus community, including students, faculty, staff, and community members, will always be top of mind. Contingency plans are in place to respond to changes in community conditions.

Everyone is encouraged to monitor their own health and if feeling ill, they are encouraged to stay home until feeling well again. Students are to notify their faculty and employee are to notify their direct supervisor when testing positive for COVID. Please be respectful of each other’s personal health-related decisions. As always, should there be a major change in the COVID conditions, BSC will certainly revisit our guidelines and revise as necessary. Students, faculty, and staff should routinely monitor the BSC website for updates.

Housing/Campus Living

BSC Residence Halls offer double rooms and suites depending on the hall. Students who have concerns with living on campus are asked to discuss options with Student & Residence Life.

If you live on campus and need meal pick-up or delivery services, you can schedule those arrangements at bismarckstate.edu/mealdelivery

Student Emergency Grant

The Student Emergency Grant Application is currently closed. Students will be notified if and when the application is reopened.

If you have any questions 看片软件 the emergency grant funding or the application process, please contact the BSC Foundation Office at 701-224-5700, or bsc.foundation@bismarckstate.edu.