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Industry Resource Connection

Click on the headings below to learn more 看片软件 the individual options for ILTs.
Nuclear Power Technology
Nuclear Power ILTs focus on theory, operations, instrumentation, and safety topics related to the nuclear power industry. Industry Resource Connection includes ILTs such as: Physics, Nuclear Chemistry, Reactors, Instrumentation and Human performance labs.
Power Generation Technology
Power Generation ILTs focus on operation topics for the power generation industry. Industry Resource Connection includes ILTs such as: Process Controller, Deaerator Storage Tank, Valve Cutaways, Turbine Animation, Hydraulic System, Feed Water Heater, Hydraulic System, Differential Pressure Filter, Lockout Tagout Lab, Control Loop Connection and Plant Trip Logic.
Process & Petroleum Industry ILTs
Process & Petroleum Industry ILTs focus on operation topics for refineries, ethanol plants, natural gas processing facilities, gasification plants, petrochemical plants and petroleum production sites including exploration, drilling, production, and processing. Industry Resource Connection includes ILTs such as: Process Controller, Valve Cutaways, Turbine Animation, Hydraulic System, Dehydration Unit, Refrigeration Unit, Amine Unit, Sulfur Recovery, Biofuel Feedstock Preparations, Deaerator Storage Tank, Ethanol Evaporator, Well and Tank Batter Process Flow, Pumping Unit, Two-Phase Separator, Vertical Heater Treater and Wellhead Installation.
Transmission and Distribution
Transmission & Distribution - ILTs focus on the electric power system operations including basic electricity, generation, distribution and transmission. Industry Resource Connection includes ILTs such as: Power Flow Simulator, Power Transformer & Substation Simulator, Variable Transformer, DC Tie, DC Circuit, AC Generator, AC Capacitor, Bus Synch and Rotating Phasors.
Transmission and Distribution
Water and Wastewater Technology
Water & Wastewater Industry - ILTs focus on the operation of various types of equipment within water and wastewater treatment facilities. Industry Resource Connection includes ILTs such as: Water Treatment Plant Overview, Virtual Potable Water Plant Tour, Ion Exchange, Clarifiers, Sedimentation Basin, Centrifuges, Titration Lab, PPE Equipment, LOTO Lab, Compressors, Valve and Pump Cutaways, Control Loop Controllers, Differential Pressure Filter, Ph Lab Activity, Chemistry Concepts, Electrical Symbols, Multimeter Lab.


sixsteps..jpgWho would purchase a license?
  • Trainers
  • Supervisors
  • Operators
Where would you use the Industry Resource Connection?
  • Classroom sessions
  • Live presentations
  • Computer lab training
  • On-the-Job Training
  • Apprenticeship Training
  • Internships

Computer Requirements: Internet connection is required.

License: Trainers will purchase a license which grants access rights and use of the online resource connection for internal company employee training. One license must be purchased per company facility. Each license grants access for up to 25 concurrent users. Click the link to the PDF below for license terms and conditions.

Term: Six months access will be granted within three (3) business days of registration.

Need more information? Contact the National Energy Center of Excellence at 701.224.2519, 800.852.5685 or bsc.energytraining@bismarckstate.edu and ask 看片软件 our Industry Resource Connection Simulators.

Fee and Payment: $600.00. Credit Card or check payments are available.

Cancellations must be completed within 24 hours of receiving registration confirmation.