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Speaker's Bureau

BSC Speakers Bureau act as a resource for people who plan meetings, conferences and special events. Working with BSC Speakers Bureau gives you access to effective speakers and ensures professional expertise to match the best speaker to your event.

BSC will work closely with you to identify your exact needs. We will help you find the right speaker for the type of program you are offering and your audience.

From selecting your speaker to the day of your event - you can take comfort in, and count on , a dedicated team of professionals who are here to make your job easy and your program a success.

We have direct access to the speakers and have worked with each of them extensively. What this means to you is that we know the speakers and can advise you as to the best match to meet your event objectives.

How the BSC Speakers Bureau works

  • Step 1: Review the line-up of topics and descriptions.
  • Step 2: Fill out and submit the Speakers Bureau form. Your group is counting on you and you can count on us. The more we know, the better equipped we are to help you select the most appropriate topic(s) and presenter(s).
  • Step 3: Upon receipt of your request form, a CE representative will contact you. During that contact we will verify the information and provide you with a recommendation. Our goal is to find a presenter who is a perfect fit for your group.
  • Step 4: You confirm a speaker and the speaker has accepted. From there BSC will issue the contracts to the speaker and the client.

Topics Include:

Contact Us

Start thinking beyond and contact Joseph Camisa today at 701-224-2534

Speakers Bureau Request