
Phlebotomy Technician | 看片软件

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Phlebotomy Technician

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Phlebotomy is the “art of drawing blood." This course consists of:

  1. Instruction on a variety of manual phlebotomy techniques and practices in manual phlebotomy techniques and drawing and handling specimens.
  2. Instruction covering a variety of topics, including the circulatory system, specimen handling and collection, lab operations, safety and legal issues, and computers and electronic devices.
  3. An attitude and professionalism component discussing the customer services and ethical aspects of the job and job application.

The course includes online theory, hands-on lab, and a 100-hour clinical externship. BSC will help you get hands-on experience and training at a clinical site, so you gain the skills and confidence needed. You will be expected to be a “patient” on a weekly basis, as well as a phlebotomist.

With 看片软件's Phlebotomy Technician Course, you will gain the knowledge and technical skills needed to secure a job as a Phlebotomy Technician and to become eligible to take the National exam to become a Certified Phlebotomy Technician (CPT).

Currently, the Phlebotomy Technician class is held once a year, starting every January. Please complete the interest form below if you would like to be contacted when registration is available for the next class.


Please complete the interest form below if you would like to be contacted when registration is available for the next class.


Start Dates

For next available start dates, check the info sheet above.

Prerequisites and/or Requirements

All students are required to meet the following requirements four (4) weeks prior to the start of the clinical experience. These are not BSC requirements, but clinical affiliation requirements. Clinical affiliation policies will be shared with you by your instructor and should be referred to for additional details and exemption allowances. BSC cannot guarantee an exemption request will be granted.
  1. Pass a background check and drug test
  2. Provide documentation of the following immunizations:
    1. COVID-19 vaccination status must be disclosed due to federal reporting requirements of clinical facilities. Vaccination is optional, however, it MAY be required based on clinical facility placement. If required:
      1. Both doses must be submitted at the same time for approval, if applicable
      2. Documentation must include the vaccine manufacturer
      Varicella (Chickenpox)
      1. Immunity via childhood disease must be medically documented
      2. Positive titer results may be accepted
    2. Measles, Mumps, Rubella
      1. If born before 1957, 1 MMR dose
      2. If born in 1957 or later, 2 MMR doses
      3. Positive titer results may be accepted
    3. Tuberculosis
      1. May be required to have a two step TB test within three (3) months of the start of the clinical experience
    4. Influenza (for classes held during influenza season)
    5. Hepatitis B Series (optional with a signed waiver)

Length of Program

This 16-week course consists of 40 hours of theory to include quizzes, exams, and lab practice in addition to 100 hours of clinical experience. This course follows the BSC academic calendar.
Success depends on self-discipline, self-motivation, self-reliance, integrity and the ability to work independently to solve problems. No make-ups are allowed for lab exercises unless prior arrangements are made. The instructor may at his/her discretion allow a student to make-up exercises under extreme circumstances.
Frequent tardiness and absences will also be considered when determining completion and may result in dismissal from the course.

Course Outcomes

Students will understand relative anatomy and physiology, then blood composition, specimen types and coagulation factors. Students will perform basic procedures of manual phlebotomy techniques, drawing and handling specimens.


Upon completion of the course, students are eligible to take the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP) National Exam to become certified.

Career Investment

  • Course fee payable to BSC Continuing Education is due at registration, $750
  • Mandatory book and workbook, $130.25
    CastleBranch fee payable to CastleBranch for background check, drug test, and immunization tracking, $166
  • Scrubs/School Supplies (computer access required) must be purchased by the student
  • ASCP National Exam fee payable to a testing vendor (optional)
This course is approved for funding from the Workforce Innovation and Opportunity Act (WIOA), and Vocational Rehabilitation. WIOA funding is designed to provide training for unemployment and some underemployed individuals to gain in-demand career skills. Vocational Rehabilitation funding will provide training and employment services to individuals with disabilities so they can become and remain employed. To inquire 看片软件 eligibility, utilize the following resources:
  • Learn more 看片软件 the 
  • Stop by your local office
  • Visit the  webpage
  • Contact  (701) 328-8950

Career Opportunities

Phlebotomy Technicians have many career opportunities, including working at hospitals, medical labs, blood donor centers, physician offices, research institutions, and public health agencies. This entry level career will introduce you to regulations, environments, and rewards in the healthcare field. It may be your life-long career or maybe just the first step in exploring the healthcare field. According to Job Service North Dakota the average annual salary in 2022 for a Phlebotomy Technician was $40,410 and the average hourly wage was $19.43.
This course is eligible for prior learning credit if you decide to pursue your education further.

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