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Third Party | 看片软件

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Third Party

A Third Party is an outside agency/business that submits a check or contract authorizing BSC to invoice them for all or a portion of account charges. An Account Charge is a BSC expense on the student account, such as: student tuition, course fees, mandatory fees, room, board, books, or equipment. Any payment received on a business check is recorded as a third party payment. 

Examples of a third party are the Military, Workforce Safety and Insurance (WSI), Workforce Investment Act(WIA), Vocational Rehabilitation, or private employers. It is the student's responsibility to know what the company covers, as not all companies cover fees even if the student submits the fee.

The student is responsible for providing the third party a listing of the classes each semester and/or the costs associated with the classes.  Tuition/fee calculations may be found on the student account after enrollment for the current semester and/or an estimated cost can be determined by visiting our Tuition and Fees page.

Third Party Contracts cannot be used if employer payment is contingent upon student grades. If a student chooses to withdraw from course(s), the third party is still responsible for charges authorized on the contract. Third party contracts cannot stipulate withdraw/drop as a reason to void the contract. All Third Party payments are due at the time of billing.

Guidelines for Submitting a Contract

A Contract is an official agreement from a third party to pay student Account Charges, also called a letter of credit, tuition assistance, authorization, or voucher. A contract must be received before the class begins, one for each set of class start and end dates per the student class schedule. Provide contracts each term: Fall, Spring, and Summer. The following must be listed on the contract:
  • Full Name of student
  • Birthdate of student
  • Costs covered: specify which class, and which Account Charges as listed above or all costs for the class/term
  • Dollar Amount: state full cost of specific class, or specific dollar amount with included Account Charges listed
  • Use company letterhead or an official form, signed/approved by the proper official with billing address and contact information for questions.
For the Application Fee to be covered, a contract must be received prior to student payment of the fee. Previously paid application fees are not refunded upon receipt of a contract, and reimbursement is between the student and third party.

Funds from a 529 college savings plan must be specifically labeled as such when received by Student Finance, or the payment will be a 1098-T eligible source of income.

Provide contracts by:

Fax: 701-224-5550 - Attn: BSC Student Finance Services
Email: BSC.StudentFinance@bismarckstate.edu - as an attachment
Deliver: BSC Student Finance Office, First Floor, Schafer Hall
Mail: BSC Student Finance Services
PO Box 5587
看片软件 ND 58506-5587

Student Requirements Until Valid Contract Is Received
Students are responsible for any balance due on their student account until the proper paperwork is received in the BSC Student Finance Office. If the third party contract is received after the charges have reached 30 days past due, a monthly late fee of 1.75% will be applied on the 14th of each month. The student is responsible for any late fees incurred unless the third party authorizes otherwise.

Students covered by a third party and still receiving bills should check their student account to see if the balance due was charged to a third party after the printing of the bill. If is still showing a balance, the student is responsible for following up with the BSC Student Finance Office to verify receipt of a valid contract from the third party.

Campus Connection Tuition Reimbursement Help Sheet