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Class Waitlist

Waitlisting is a feature in CampusConnection that allows a student to get “in line” for a class that has filled. If a student in the class drops, a seat opens and is filled in chronological order by the next eligible student on the waitlist.

Waitlist Basics

  • Is on a first-come, first-serve basis.
  • Is used for certain classes only, within the 16 week, First 8-Week, and Second 8-Week sessions for Fall and Spring, as well as Summer classes that run from the first week in June till the last week in July.
  • Does not guarantee a seat in the class, it’s a placeholder should a seat become available.
  • Does not count toward enrolled hours for financial aid purposes.
  • Allows students to add themselves to a waitlist through the Friday 2 weeks prior to the first day of class. Students will be removed from waitlists on the Monday 2 weeks prior to the 1st date of class.  Regular class overrides/permissions must be obtained if course remains closed.
  • By placing yourself on a waitlist agrees to automatic registration in the section if space becomes available.
  • No fee is incurred for adding your name to a waitlist.  However, once registered off a waitlist, is responsible for all tuition/fee charges.
  • Can place yourself on a waitlist at the same time of an already enrolled course.  Registration restrictions still apply should a seat open.
  • Can place yourself on more than one waitlist for the same class, just not the same section. Registration restrictions still apply should a seat open.
  • Can’t place yourself on a waitlist until the FOA hold has been removed.
  • Can’t place yourself on a waitlist for classes in which requisites have not been met.
  • Is responsible (either while still on the wait list or added via the wait list process) for dropping according to posted dates and deadlines.
  • Withdrawing to zero credits for the semester includes being dropped from any waitlisted courses.

How do I get on the Waitlist for a closed class?

  1. Once a CampusConnection class, that has a waitlist becomes full, a waitlist automatically opens. 

  2. Student should search and add themselves to a waitlisted class in CampusConnection using Schedule Planner or Class Search and Enroll.

  3. Once on the waitlist, the student should monitor their position by viewing [My Class Schedule].
    • Monitor Position on Waitlist

    • Note:  The Waitlist process is scheduled to run twice a day (Noon & 5:00pm).  Open seats in classes with students on the waitlist will be held until the waitlist process runs.  If a seat opens in a class, and there are students on the waitlist, the next eligible student will be enrolled, and the class will remain closed.   If there are no students on the waitlist, the class will reopen.

  4. Students should monitor their BSC email for enrollment confirmation.
    • As enrolled students drop, waitlisted student at the top of the list is registered into the opening and notification is sent via official BSC email.
    • Note:  If the student at the top of the list has a registration restriction (i.e. – Hold, already enrolled in the same course different section, time conflict etc…) the wait list process will skip to the next qualified student on the list.

How do I remove myself from a Waitlist?

Students should remove themselves from any waitlist if no longer wishing to be added to the class.