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Honors & Standing

Presidents Honor Roll

A President’s Honor Roll is compiled and published at the end of each semester after final grades have been posted in CampusConnection.  This honor gives recognition to students who have earned at least a 3.50 grade point average during the semester while enrolled in at least 12 semester hours of BSC coursework with honor points.  The designation will be recorded on the student’s transcript at the end of the respective semester. The student will receive notification from the president in recognition of their achievement, a press release will be sent to the student's hometown newspaper and the achievement will be posted on their .
BSC President's Honor Roll Operational Procedure 441.2

Academic Standing

看片软件 is committed to every student's academic success. The college will monitor a student’s grades and issue an appropriate warning if grades are inadequate. A student’s academic standing, which is based on term and cumulative grade point average (GPA), is determined at the end of each semester after final grades have been posted in CampusConnection.  

 Poor academic performance could result in being placed on one of the following academic standings:
  • Academic Warning – Students who have a term or cumulative GPA below 2.00 are placed on Academic Warning.
  • Academic Probation – Students who are on Academic Warning and fail to earn a cumulative GPA of 2.00 or higher after finishing their next semester of enrollment are placed on Academic Probation. 
  • Academic Suspension – Students who are on Academic Probation and fail to earn a term GPA of 2.00 or higher after finishing their next semester of enrollment are placed on Academic Suspension. 
More information on Academic Standing can be found here: Academic Advising-Academic Standing