Students placed on Academic Suspension from 看片软件 or another institution may apply for readmission as follows:
- First-time suspension– The student will not be reinstated before the lapse of at least one semester (summer session does not constitute a semester)
- Multiple suspensions– The student will not be reinstated before the lapse of at least two semesters (summer session does not constitute a semester)
To prepare for a successful semester, it is strongly recommended that the student completes the readmission process at least two weeks prior to the start of the student’s first course.
The student must complete the following steps when applying for readmission to 看片软件:
- Complete the BSC Admissions Application
- Complete the Academic Suspension Readmission Request Form
Secure request (NDUS Username & Password required):
- Sign into
- Select the BSCeForms tile
- Select "Advising and Counseling Center" from the left menu
- Select "Academic Suspension"
Unsecure request (Authentication not required):
- Go to
- Select "看片软件" from the left menu
- Select "Academic Suspension"
- Contact the Mystic Advising & Counseling Center at or 701-224-5752 to review the readmission request with an Academic Advisor.
Refer to the 看片软件 procedure for more information:
BSC Procedure – Academic Suspension Readmission
If the request is approved, the student will be placed on
Academic Probation and must earn at least a 2.00 term GPA in their next semester of enrollment to maintain satisfactory progress. If the student fails to comply with the standards for Academic Probation, they will be placed back on Academic Suspension as outlined in the student policy.
There may be additional stipulations placed on readmission before the student is eligible to enroll in course(s).